St. John of the Cross

This was today’s reading.

I went to the 6:45am mass and the 7:00pm Spanish mass. hehe

I’ve been to the Spanish mass in the 8am morning and the 7pm had a cool guitar and music so definitely going back on Wednesdays. It was so cool and awesome.

I now know most of the mass prayers in English and now I want to go often enough that I eventually memorize the Spanish ones.

Some of the phrases I remember my mom saying as a kid like ‘Dios todo poderoso’ or ‘pan de cada dia’ or ‘padre celestial’

LOL this whole time, I thought she was just making up intense phrases and being dramatic because you know how Latina moms are lolol!

Anyway so today Father Juan said something interesting, “would you get your head chopped off or would you get executed in the name of our Saviour?” or something like that, anyway I think it was. rhetorical question or at least something to ponder.

And I thought, right there in the pew, I sure would. I’m not afraid of death. And I’m really not. I mean, isn’t it a straight ticket outta this crazy place we call Earth?

I think for my sacrifices for the Lord will be living and participating in life. Being involved and cherishing this life and doing what God asks of me.

Living is harder than dying.

Getting your head chopped off versus balancing a 24 million payroll ledger sounds a lot easier to me. Hmm who’s the dramatic one now? lol

But alas, here we are and I must follow my God’s will even if it’s in everyday tasks I don’t want to work on. It has to be FOR me for a reason.

I know my Father has me on a path of self-love. How can I live in a way that honors His love for me?

Back in the medieval times, it was execution, but what does it look like now?

What are we willing to do for the Lord?

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